I'm having a hard time today staying focused on the life that's right in front of me.
That's because my guy and I leave for a 10-day trip to the tropics in five days. My husband and I are both feeling like kids this week. Every day we check the forecast for our destination. Next, we look at the resort's livecam to see what's happening, and to get a glimpse of the sun over the water. It's a little overcast in the Dominican Republic this morning, but the day looks promising.
We might peruse photos of the property on the resort's website one more time. I look to see if there will be a full moon while we're there, because the full moon over the Caribbean Sea is a sight to behold (there is!).
We're already packed. There's a countdown app on my phone ticking off the minutes until we leave. The day before we catch our flights, I'll have a pedicure, and check for the tenth time to see if the passports are in my backpack. My guy will ask me 10 times if the passports are in my backpack.
This is our Christmas, birthdays, and anniversary rolled into one.
Being in warm places near the sea is a vision so magnetic that it invades my sleep, takes top priority when it comes to our finances, and is part of a long-term plan for us to move. Five more days! (Actually 4 days, 21 hours, and 34 minutes at the writing of this)!