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Family members as mirrors

Writer's picture: Sandra MitchellSandra Mitchell
Photo of a gallery wall filled with family photos

This morning I was supine on my yoga mat. Sleep deprived and feeling flat from another stretch of gray-day weather, I noticed with annoyance all the frames in my heart-shaped gallery of family photos were askew.

I was annoyed because I prefer things to be level, symmetrical, even. But that’s not how families are. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t say that their family has at least a bit of dysfunction and drama.

Family can cause deep and abiding pain. Other times, family fills us up with connection and pure love. Sometimes, both happen at the same time.

I think our family members serve as our clearest mirrors. They show us who we truly are. And if you have children, watch out, because your offspring will reflect back to you qualities that might just take your breath away. Look closely at the good and the not so good. I promise you, you’ll be a better person for it.

After an extra-long savasana, I rose from my mat to get on with my day. As I woke up my laptop and hit the switch on my happy light, I chose, for the time being, to leave those photo frames of the people I love just as they are.


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